1. What personal information do we collect from users that use our Services?

The personal information that the app collects is your name, email address, mobile and home numbers, website and any other social media accounts that you might fill in your account details to enrich your app experience, our third party vendor might collect more, please read section n. 5 for that.

2. How do we collect your personal information?

We collect information from you when you register on our app, so when you create a new account (Sign Up) or Sign in with Apple. Our third party vendor might collect other different data in different times (app launch or on account registration) during the usage of our Services.

3. How do we use your information?

We do not use your information for any purpose at all, other than to verify your data does match with what we collected from you and so to log you in the app. From time to time we might need to send some push notifications related to app specific new features to enrich your experience whilst using SharedBiz.

3.1 App Photo Library

In the Account details page, we ask our users the permission to access their photo library should they want to, in order to select your profile picture and your background picture. Those pictures are securely stored in the Cloud through Firebase Storage Service, this is to enrich your app experience and makes sure your pictures are easily and securely retrievable for your app purposes.

4. How can you request more details on the information that is collected?

You can send us an email, stating that you want or might need information about what we collect, we can also help you understanding how you can opt-out of certain Services that our third party vendor collects.

5. Third-party disclosure

5.1 Third-party Services

SharedBiz relies on the usage of a few Services from Firebase. The Firebase Services that SharedBiz use are: Cloud Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Crashlytics, Firebase Storage, Cloud Messaging and Google Analytics. The above mentioned Services collect IP addresses, user names, email addresses, passwords, user agents, crash traces, device model, OS installed, minidump formatted data to process crashes.

5.2 Firebase support for GDPR and CCPA

On May 25th, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaced the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive. On January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) took effect. Google is committed to helping our customers succeed under these privacy regulations, whether they are large software companies or independent developers.

The GDPR imposes obligations on data controllers and data processors, and the CCPA imposes obligations on businesses and their service providers. Firebase customers typically act as the 'data controller' (GDPR) or 'business' (CCPA) for any personal data or information about their end-users they provide to Google in connection with their use of Firebase, and Google generally operates as a 'data processor' (GDPR) or 'service provider' (CCPA).

This means that data is under the customer's control. Customers are responsible for obligations like fulfilling an individual's rights with respect to their personal data or information.

5.3 Google Analytics

Google Analytics uses the data to provide analytics and attribution information. Google Analytics retains certain advertising identifier associated data (e.g., Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers and Identifier for Vendors, Android’s Advertising ID) for 60 days, and retains aggregate reporting without automatic expiration. Retention of user-level data, including conversions, is fixed at up to 14 months. For all other event data, you may set the retention in your Analytics settings to 2 months or 14 months. Learn more.

5.4 Data Encryption

Firebase services encrypt data in transit using HTTPS and logically isolate customer data.

6. Support

For any queries or information you may require, contact us at sharedbizapp.help@gmail.com